2013년 10월 12일 토요일

CH2. The Nonhuman World


Mark Twain said "The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco." San Francisco's summer is cool because it is in Mediterranean climate which is moist mild winters and dry summers. It is surrounded on three sides by water, so it is influenced by Pacific Ocean.

San Francisco's dry period starts from May to October which period is mild to warm with average high temperatures of 64-71F. The rainy period starts from November to April and it is cooler with average high temperatures of 58-64F.


San Francisco is located on the West Coast of the U.S. There are several famous islands which are Alcatraz, Treasure Island and Adjacent Yerba Buena Island. Also, small portions of Alameda Island, Red Rock Island, and Angel Island are part of City.

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